
Books & Articles

Summit Center recommends these books and articles. The publications listed below include books by Dr. Dan Peters and Dr. Susan Daniels, articles by Summit Center staff, and other recent articles on gifted issues. You can also read Dr. Dan Peter’s writings on our Summit Center blog, Huffington Post and Psychology Today.

Books and Contributed Chapters by Summit Center Professionals

Boosting Your Child’s Natural Creativity (Gifted Unlimited, 2022) – by Susan Daniels, Ph.D. and Dan Peters, Ph.D. “Written for parents and teachers, Boosting Your Child’s Natural Creativity is a guide to fostering creativity and sustaining the creative spirit in children both at home and at school. Creativity is both a capacity we are born with and a skill that we can further develop. In this fully revised and updated edition, the authors describe various theories of creativity, personality traits, programs, processes, and products that foster creativity. Filled with examples and practical suggestions, this exciting book describes parenting for creativity, teaching organizational skills, and ways to preserve and enhance one’s own creativity.” Available through Amazon or Gifted Unlimited.     
When I Am Calm, by Amy Parlin Feldman, M.Ed., LEP (Gifted Unlimited LLC, January 2022) – When I Am Calm is designed to support children as they develop emotional self-regulation skills. This playful, educational read-aloud illustrates the cues our bodies give us when our feelings are starting to get out of control and provides specific strategies we can use to return to calm. Most importantly, When I Am Calm demystifies what calm really looks and feels like, using specific, concrete sensations that a child can easily identify. When I Am Calm includes several activities and checklists that will enable therapists, parents, and educators to use the book as an active teaching tool in multiple settings. Available now at Amazon or Gifted Unlimited.     
Bright, Complex Kids by Jean Sunde Peterson, Ph.D., and Daniel B. Peters, Ph.D. (Free Spirit Publishing, 2021). Many bright and gifted kids do not feel understood or supported. For adults wanting to change that, Bright, Complex Kids provides guidance for gaining entrance to their internal world. This practical and easy-to-use field guide includes ideas for how and why to listen and respond, self-monitor adult biases, avoid communicating awe of high ability because of the potential impact on trust and openness, apply knowledge of learning disabilities, and help high-ability children and teens make sense of themselves. From how adults can be involved to insights on the social and emotional development of bright kids, each chapter has a section with “points to ponder.” Now available Free Spirit Publishing, Bookshop.org or Amazon.     
Visual Learning and Teaching: An Essential Guide for Educators K–8, by Dr. Susan Daniels (Free Spirit Publishing, August 2018) – Emojis… avatars… icons… Our world is becoming increasingly reliant on visual communication. But even as we edge toward a virtual world, it’s still critical for students to comprehend and know how to make simple, meaningful marks. In this easy-to-use resource, Dr. Susan Daniels channels over twenty years of research and experience into a creative guide of strategies that enable educators to present the foundational skills of visual learning in the classroom. Now available through Amazon or Free Spirit.     
Twice Exceptional: Supporting and Educating Bright and Creative Students with Learning Difficulties, edited by Scott Barry Kauffman (Oxford University Press, 2018) – Dr. Peters and Bobbie Gilman contributed the first chapter, on “Finding and Serving Twice-Exceptional Students: Using Triaged Comprehensive Assessment and Protections of the Law.” Dr. Susan Daniels and Dr. Michelle Freeman authored Chapter 15, on “Gifted Dyslexics: MIND-Strengths, Visual Thinking, and Creativity.” The book provides “approaches to creating an environment where twice-exceptional students can thrive. Viewing the 2e student as neither exclusively disabled nor exclusively gifted, but, rather, as a dynamic interaction of both, leading experts offer holistic insight into identification, social-emotional development, advocacy, and support for 2e students.” Recommended for teachers, therapists, and families. Available through Amazon or your favorite book store.     
Auditory Processing Disorders: Assessment, Management, and Treatment Third Edition, by Donna Geffner and Deborah Ross-Swain (Plural Publishing, 2018). Dr. Michelle Freeman and Dr. Dan Peters contributed a chapter on “Neuropsychological Evaluations: Differentiating between auditory processing and related complexities.” The book provides definition, behaviors, and comorbidity of auditory processing disorders, in addition to the most current practices for audiological and speech-language assessment. Practical rehabilitation, management strategies, and direct treatment programs are covered in detail. Available through Amazon or your favorite book seller.     
Make Your Worrier a Warrior: A Guide to Conquering Your Child’s Fears– by Dan Peters, Ph.D. With this book, parents can team up with their children or teens to help them do the most courageous thing they will ever have to do: conquer their Worry Monster. Make Your Worrier a Warrior provides useful and comforting methods that parents can use to help their children create an anxiety-reducing “toolbox” to carry with them wherever they go. In building this foundation for their children, parents will find that these strategies will work just as effectively to manage their own anxieties. Available through Amazon, Gifted Unlimited, or your local independent book store. Learn more at https://drdanpeters.com/.     
From Worrier to Warrior: A Guide to Conquering Your Fears– by Dan Peters, Ph.D., a companion book to Make Your Worrier a Warrior, written specifically for children, tweens, and teens. This book shows your child how to overcome worry and fear using several easy-to-follow strategies. Children and teens can read the book themselves, or read along with a parent or other adult. From Worrier to Warrior will teach your child how to create their very own “toolbox” of strategies to combat fear and anxiety to carry with them and conquer the Worry Monster at any time. Available through AmazonGifted Unlimited, or your local independent book store. Learn more at https://drdanpeters.com/.     
The Warrior Workbook– by Dan Peters, Ph.D., Lisa Reid, Ed.D., M.Ed., and Stephanie Davis, M.Ed., is another companion book to Make Your Worrier a Warrior, for children, tweens, and teens. This book will show your child how to create their very own “toolbox,” filled with different strategies for fighting off and controlling the Worry Monster. The exercises and conversations in this book will help you build a healthy dialogue with your child, one that examines life’s challenges in ways that support increased self-awareness, a deeper understanding of the world, and relationships with others. Available through Amazon, Gifted Unlimited, or your local independent book store.     
Living With Intensity: Understanding the Sensitivity, Excitability, and Emotional Development of Gifted Children, Adolescents and Adults– by Susan Daniels, Ph.D. and Michael M. Piechowski, Ph.D. – provides a wonderful exploration of the multi-faceted sensitivities and intensities of the gifted. It will assist parents, teachers, and clinicians in understanding and nurturing the complex combination of intellectual advancement, overexcitabilities, and developmental potential… [while] avoiding tragic misperceptions and misdiagnoses. (Comments by Barbara Jackson Gilman, M.S. from back jacket of book.) Available at the Summit Center and through www.amazon.com.     
toughLOVE: Raising Confident, Kind, Resilient Kids– Edited by Lisa Stiepock, Amy Iorio, and Lori Gottlieb (Simon & Schuster, 2016). Dr. Dan Peters contributed the chapter on Managing academics in the home and school: finding the balance.” The book offers advice from a myriad of contributors including Ivy League professors, New York Times bestselling authors, and top parenting coaches — many with children of their own — who address all sorts of issues, from the timeless (relationships with siblings, homework battles, how to have The Talk) to the timely (Internet safety, feelings of entitlement, ways to balance busy schedules). Available through www.amazon.com.     
Handbook for Counselors Serving Students With Gifts and Talents
Edited by Tracy Cross, Ph.D., and Jennifer Riedl Cross, Ph.D. (Prufrock Press, 2012). Dr. Dan Peters and Ed Amend, PsyD., co-authored the chapter on “Misdiagnosis and Missed Diagnosis of Gifted Children: The Importance of Accurate Assessment.” The handbook provides the definitive overview of research on the general knowledge that has been amassed regarding the psychology of gifted students, introducing the reader to the varied conceptions of giftedness, issues specific to gifted children, and various intervention methods. With chapters authored by leading experts in the field, the handbook offers a place for professionals to turn for answers to a wide variety of questions about gifted children. Available through www.amazon.com.

Articles by Summit Center Staff

Dr. Dan Peters, Summit Center“The Anxiety Myth: 5 Lies We Believe About Anxiety” by Dr. Dan Peters and Lisa Van Gemert, M.Ed.T., MENSA Bulletin, February 2016. Click to read the article.     


“Stealth Dyslexia in Gifted Students: What Can Teachers Do?” By Bobbie Gilman and Dan Peters, NAGC Early Childhood Network Newsletter, February 2014. Click to read the article.

“Critical Issues in the Identification of Gifted Students With Co-Existing Disabilities: The Twice-Exceptional,” peer-reviewed article published by SAGE Open, co-authored by Dr. Dan Peters. Click to read the article.

Pathologizing the Human Condition By Dr. Dan Peters, The Health Care Blog, September 1, 2013. The new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) used by doctors has expanded the number of possible diagnoses for some common human conditions. What does this mean for us and our children? Click to read the article.

Reflections, New Insights, Confessions, and Inspiration on Dyslexia and Talent By Dr. Dan Peters, Dyslexic Advantage, May 8, 2013. Dr. Dan Peters discusses the strengths of the dyslexic mind and shares his personal story of growing up with dyslexia. Click to read the article.

Coping 101 – Building Persistence and Resilience in Gifted Children By Dr. Dan Peters, Gifted Education Communicator, Winter 2012-2013. Click to read the article (PDF), or join the California Association for Gifted to see the entire issue.

What Is This Gifted Thing Anyway? By Dr. Dan Peters, Gifted Education Communicator, Fall 2012. Click to read the article (PDF).

Twice Exceptional Students: An Endangered Species By Dr. Dan Peters, Barbara Gilman, Mike Postma, and Kathi Kearney, Gifted Education Communicator, Summer 2012. Click to read the article (PDF).

Gifted and Bullied By Dr. Dan Peters, Gifted Education Communicator, Spring 2012. Click to read the article (PDF).

RtI and the Gifted Child: What Every Parent Should Know By Michael Postma, Dr. Daniel Peters, Barbara (Bobbie) Gilman, & Kathi Kearney. Parenting for High Potential (PHP), June 2011.     


Copyright 2011 NAGC. Reprinted with permission of the National Association for Gifted Children. No further reprints are permitted without the consent of NAGC.
November/December 2013: The 2e Journey from a Parent’s Point of View– by Dan Peters, Ph.D.     


Screaming and No One Listening: Advocating for a 2e Child– by Dan Peters, Ph.D. and Julie Mills, LCSW

Summer Camp Success– by Dan Peters, Ph.D.

2e Newsletter – The Clinical Psychologist– by Linda Neuman, Editor and Dan Peters, Ph.D.

Anxiety in 2e kids – by Pat Schuler, Ph.D., NCC, LMHC, and Dan Peters, Ph.D., Linda Neuman, Editor.

World Conference for the Gifted – Gifted Children on the Edge – At Risk and At Promise – by Dan Peters, Ph.D. and Susan Daniels, Ph.D., Linda Neuman, Editor.

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