
Webinar Series

Summit Center is pleased to present a webinar series on topics important to our families, presented by members of our professional team. Visit our Groups and Classes page for full details and registration links for future webinars in 2025.


The Importance of Coaching for Gifted Adults: A Discussion (webinar recording)

Join Summit Center coach Paula Wilkes, PhD, and her former client Professor Faik Bouhrik for this webinar as they describe their journey of gifted growth. Prepare to be inspired through an open-ended discussion about the importance of coaching for gifted adults. Topics to be covered will include: giftedness, multipotentiality, positive disintegration, executive functioning skills development, and cognitive flexibility. Dr. Wilkes and Professor Bouhrik look forward to participant questions.

Dr. Paula Wilkes, an ed therapist and coach for gifted children and adults through Summit Center, has been an educator for fifty years in both public schools and at the university level. Professor Faik Bouhrik is a professor of physics and math, a cosmology researcher, an entrepreneur, and a professional writer.

Length: 1 hour, 16 minutes




Free clips from “Taming the Worry Monster” and “Characteristics of Gifted Learners,” along with additional material, can be viewed on Summit Center’s YouTube channel.



Via Vimeo. Recordings are available of past workshops and webinars from Summit Center professionals, talking about issues affecting your life and your family. Each webinar costs $19.99. Price includes unlimited viewing of the recording on demand. Sample trailers are available for free.

Twice Exceptional (2e), Neurodivergent, Highly Sensitive, & Medically Complex
What types of struggles do 2e and neurodivergent families face? What does it mean to be highly sensitive and medically complex? How can we support and guide children and adults with multiple sensitivities in academic settings and daily life? Summit Center psychologist Dr. Jeannie Lopez, Ph.D., FDN-P, will provide an overview of these topics and explore these challenges through different types of assessments and functional medicine approaches to healing. She will also offer ideas for lifestyle changes that can improve the health and well-being of the child and their family.
Duration: 84 minutes. $19.99 for unlimited viewing.

Childhood Anxiety: What Parents, Teachers, and Therapists Need To Know
Have you noticed that your child or student has become more agitated, restless, clingy, isolated, or withdrawn? Does your child complain of headaches, insomnia, a decreased appetite, or stomach aches? If so, then your child might be suffering from anxiety, the number one mental health problem in our country. In this webinar, Summit Center psychologist Dr. Ginny Ritchey will address topics including: the warning signs and symptoms of anxiety, the cognitive and evolutionary models, the core fears for most people, the common characteristics of anxious children, and what to do and not do to help children manage their anxiety.
Duration: 54 minutes. $19.99 for unlimited viewing.

School Daze: Finding the Right Educational Environment for Your 2e Child
Learn about how to find the best educational environment for your 2e child, whether that be a public, independent, 1-1, or alternative school option. In this Summit Center webinar, psychologist Dr. Lisa White will discuss what factors are important in choosing a school (the academics might be the least of it!), what questions to ask to find out whether a school could be a good fit, the fallacy of the “perfect” school, and how to determine if a school experience is a success or not working.  Additionally, this presentation will cover how to best position your child in the application process, being honest about your child’s needs while still letting them shine as an applicant.
Duration: 1 hour, 25 minutes. $19.99 for unlimited viewing.

Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Overview of Everything in 60 Minutes
Presented by Dr. Lisa Hancock, an autism specialist who works with children, adults, and couples who have diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Learn about strengths, weaknesses, common misperceptions, common misdiagnoses, co-occurring disorders. Dr. Hancock will also discuss non-typical presentations of ASD (gifted, AFAB, PDA) as well as address challenges and interventions across the lifespan. Why might an actual diagnosis be important? What is the difference between meeting school criteria for eligibility for special education and a medical diagnosis?
Duration: 1 hour, 10 minutes. $19.99 for unlimited viewing.

Parenting with Awareness, Purpose, and Intention with Dr. Dan Peters
Parenting is hard. We are bombarded continually with messages that create fear and worry about our children’s future. Will they be able to take care of themselves? Will they make the elite team? Will they get into a good college? Will they be successful? We all want the best for our children and spend considerable time engaging in activities and resources to meet this goal. This talk will address the importance of a parent’s awareness about themselves as key to raising healthy, engaged, and happy children. By being engaged in one’s own life, being clear about where you came from, and being aware of what you want to pass on to your children, you can parent with purpose, which is aligned with your goals for your child.

Duration: 61 minutes. High resolution. $19.99 for unlimited viewing. https://vimeo.com/ondemand/parentingwithawareness

Taming the Worry Monster: Helping Your Child Deal With Stress and AnxietyDr. Peters describes a model for overcoming anxiety by understanding how the “Worry Monster” tricks children (and adults) into being scared. For both children and adults, viewers will learn about how the fear response works in our bodies, how our thoughts determine our emotions, and how changing our thoughts and facing our fears, will help us lead worry-free and more satisfying lives. Duration: 58 minutes. High resolution. $19.99 for unlimited viewing. https://vimeo.com/ondemand/worrymonster

The Characteristics of Gifted Learners
Dr. Peters describes the characteristics of gifted learners and the factors that can influence or hinder their development. Viewers will learn risk factors that gifted children face, potential misdiagnoses, what it means to be twice-exceptional (2e), and how to nurture a gifted child’s growth – helping them to maximize their developmental potential. Duration: 1 hour 4 minutes. High resolution. $19.99 for unlimited viewing. https://vimeo.com/ondemand/giftedlearners

Psychosocial Development of Gifted Children – Webinar with Dr. Stephen Chou

Living With Intensity: Understanding the the Gifted Child – Webinar with Dr. Susan Daniels

Time Management Skills for Your Child – Webinar with Deanna Kim

Math Difficulties: Reasons and Remedies – Webinar with Dr. Nancy Knop

I can take care of myself! How come you didn’t wake me up? Navigating the Parent-Teen Relationship – Webinar with Dr. Dan Peters

Supporting Smart Girls – Webinar with Dr. Lisa White

Doodle, Draw & Paint with Susan: Creativity Classes for Parents, Teachers, and Kids (series)



First 5 Santa Clara County “Ask the Experts” Podcast series

Courtesy of First5 Santa Clara County’s “Ask the Experts” Podcast series: