
Gifted/2e Resources

Information Sheets for Printing or Viewing
Five Forms of Giftedness
Twice Exceptional Youth

Tips for Parents https://summitcenter.us/resources/tips-for-parents/

Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG) www.sengifted.org

California Association for the Gifted www.cagifted.org

National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) www.nagc.org

Bridges 2e Academy, private school for grades 4-12 in Los Angeles, Seattle, or online https://bridges.edu/

Bridges Graduate School for Cognitive Diversity, offering certificates, masters, and doctoral programs https://graduateschool.bridges.edu/

2e-Twice Exceptional Newsletter www.2enews.com/

Conversations about Cognitive Diversity, monthly webcast with host Maria Kennedy https://2ecenter.org/crucial-conversations/

Hoagies’ Gifted Education www.hoagiesgifted.org

GHF Gifted Learners (formerly Gifted Homeschoolers Forum)

Bright & Quirky – producer of online conference

With Understanding Comes Calm offers resources for twice-exceptional children, adults, and educators, including The Haystack, a membership-based community for 2e adults; various 2e conferences; consulting services; and their Gifted & Distractible Newsletter.

FlexSchools are unique micro schools for gifted and twice exceptional (2e) middle and high school students. At this time two campuses serve the Tristate area, with one in Fanwood, New Jersey and another opening in New Haven, Connecticut. FlexSchools can also provide instruction through video conferencing technology to remote students in other states. http://www.flexschool.net//

Center for Talented Youth at Johns Hopkins University cty.jhu.edu/cde/index.html

Education Program for Gifted Youth (EPGY) at Stanford University epgy.stanford.edu/summer/index.html

Summer Institute for the Gifted – program for gifted and talented with session at UC Berkeley  https://www.giftedstudy.org/

Academic Talent Development Program at UC Berkeley https://atdp.berkeley.edu

Davidson Institute for Talent Development www.davidsongifted.org

Camp Summit, Residential Summer Program for Gifted, Talented, and Creative Kids

Institute for Educational Advancement (IEA), Pasadena, CA
Serves and supports Gifted, Talented, and Creative students, K-12, in Los Angeles County and nationwide. Offerings include enrichment classes, summer camp, high school externship program, high school scholarship program for G&T students, public policy, and more. https://educationaladvancement.org/

Young Scholars Academy: Virtual afterschool enrichment courses for neurodiverse kids. https://youngscholarsacademy.org/

Gifted Homeschool Alliance (GHA) is a community (online and in-person) dedicated to providing support, resources, and a nurturing environment for gifted children in the San Francisco Bay Area. https://www.giftedhomeschoolalliance.org/


San Francisco Bay Area Gifted Homeschoolers (BAGHS)

Make Social Learning Stick Parenting Program
Our friend and colleague Elizabeth Sautter has created a parent training course with Dr. Rebecca Branstetter. Make It Stick Parenting is an inclusive positive parenting program for sensitive, anxious, reactive, and/or neuro-diverse families. The course will help you focus on what you CAN do, helping you and your tots to teens sprinkle social-emotional learning opportunities in, as opposed to adding more onto your already packed day. Currently a reduced price of $199 for Summit Center families, including the 8-part online course and guidebook, quarterly live coaching calls, a private online community, and members-only resource center. https://www.makesociallearningstick.com/parenting-program/

National Organization for Professional Organizing (NAPO) Stand Out Podcast with Kathleen Crombie, M.A., M.Ed. on “Working with Gifted Clients” Listen or watch the video here.

Dr. Dan Peter’s writings on Huffington Post, Psychology Today, and Patch.com.