About Summit Center

Summit Center provides educational and psychological assessments, consultations, and counseling for children, their parents, families, and adults. We work with individuals who are gifted, those with learning challenges, and those who are both gifted and have challenges. Summit Center has assembled an expert team of professionals and specialists, who are dedicated to using a strengths-based approach to help our clients reach their fullest developmental potential. Our talented and experienced doctors, evaluators, and other service providers work out of our offices in Northern California (Walnut Creek) and Southern California (Torrance).


Why Summit Center?

Did you know that bright individuals can also have learning, social, or emotional challenges?

  •   Why is my child having so much trouble learning to read, write, or do math?
  •   Why do I worry so much?
  •   Are you concerned about your or your child’s level of stress and anxiety?
  •   Why is it so hard for my child to pay attention and stay organized?
  •   Do I have ADHD?
  •   If my child is so smart, how come he/she is not performing in school?
  •   Why do I have trouble finding and maintaining meaningful relationships?
  •   Why does my child have such a difficult time making and keeping friends?
  •   Why does my child have meltdowns so often?
  •   Have I or my child been misdiagnosed?
  •   How can I find meaning and perform to my potential?

If you can answer YES to any of these questions, we can help. Summit Center provides educational and psychological assessments, consultations, and treatment for children, their parents, families, and adults. We work with people who are gifted, those with learning challenges, and those who are both gifted and have challenges.

Collaborative, Strengths-Based Approach

Our staff has expertise in the areas of learning, processing, emotional, behavioral, and developmental issues. We use a strength-based approach to find out what is “right” with an individual, while also identifying and understanding a person’s weaknesses and challenges. While many evaluators work alone, Summit Center utilizes a team approach to our evaluations and capitalizes on the strengths of multiple professionals.

Specialists in Gifted and 2e

Many people think of gifted individuals as smart people who get along fine because everything comes easy to them. This is a myth. In fact, many gifted individuals, although very intelligent, struggle in many ways. They often are misunderstood, do not fit in with peers, may be teased and bullied, or might be bored in school. They can be intense and sensitive – and may be misdiagnosed with issues they do not have.

Summit Center understands that gifted kids and adults are at risk for underachievement, and social and emotional issues. Many of them have learning, processing, emotional, and behavioral issues in addition to be gifted. These individuals are called “twice-exceptional” or “2e” because they are both exceptional due to their advanced cognitive development, but also exceptional because of another issue – such as ADHD, dyslexia, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), or anxiety. As children, 2e students usually are not detected, and therefore often do not receive support for their gifted abilities or deficit area because they cancel each other out.

Finding a Solution for Children

Summit Center can help parents understand their child’s unique needs. We can help those who feel overwhelmed with parenting, and offer solutions when a child is just not fitting in socially or demonstrates challenging behaviors. The Summit Center can provide a formal evaluation of strengths and challenges, and help both parent and child develop strategies to cope with their challenges. Consulting with our psychology and education experts is also a great way for parents to find out about support groups, educational options, and other local resources available to families for different types of children.

Services for Adults

As an adult, you may find that you are still suffering from experiences and challenges that affected you as a child. Or you may be experiencing new challenges related to finding your passion, identity, parenting, relationships, career, and more. Having a hard time concentrating at work? Do you care that your spouse, colleagues or supervisors just don’t seem to “get” you? Has your child been diagnosed with something that you suspect you also have? We provide a broad range of services for adults, including consultation, testing, counseling, and more. We can work with you on issues related to giftedness and beyond, such as sensitivity, intensity, and social skills.

Our Philosophy

We utilize a collaborative, strength-based approach to optimize learning, living, and life-long development. We believe that people want to experience meaningful and fulfilling lives.

While emphasizing positive developmental pathways, we acknowledge the inevitable challenges of painful life processes and transitions. Though difficult, these challenges may become catalysts for further growth and change. We seek to enhance each individual’s capacities to connect with others, enjoy meaningful work, and discover their natural abilities for learning, growth and increased well-being.

We serve children, adolescents, adults, and families.


Summit Center’s team of professionals offer a wide array of expertise to help children, teens, adults, or families deal with these issues:

  • Anxiety, Worry, and Stress
  • Asynchronous development
  • Attention Issues, ADD/ADHD
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Coping with Life or Career Transitions
  • Depression
  • Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia
  • Executive Functioning Challenges
  • Extreme Demand Avoidance (aka PDA)
  • Giftedness
  • Learning and Processing Differences
  • Neurodivergence
  • Parenting
  • Perfectionism
  • Relationship Difficulties
  • School Section & Planning
  • Social Challenges
  • Twice-exceptional (2e)
  • Underachievement