
Parent Consultations for Gifted/2e Girls

Raising gifted and twice-exceptional girls brings unique joys and challenges. Parents may wonder:

  • How to talk to their daughters about their giftedness and their needs

  • How to provide the best environment to maximize their daughters’ abilities and development 

  • How to support their daughters in difficult social or school situations

  • How to manage their daughters’ perfectionism

  • How to improve their relationships with their daughters at home

…And much more. There are myriad ways in which parents can themselves be supported in their parenting journey. 

Summit Center’s Dr. Lisa White is offering consultation services to help parents in raising their gifted and 2e girls. 

Set up an appointment with Dr. White to have your questions answered and receive the support you need as you raise the next generation of smart women. To reach our schedulers, please complete this short form: https://forms.gle/WNG7e3wEtxdG3Nuu6 .


Dr. White is a licensed psychologist who has worked with gifted and twice-exceptional children for over 15 years. She provides strengths-based, comprehensive psychoeducational and neuropsychological evaluations for children and adolescents, as well as consultations and coaching with parents. Her clinical interests include the social and emotional development of gifted and twice-exceptional children, gifted girls, how 2e kids date and have relationships, and children with learning disabilities and ADHD.