Nov 16, 2015 | Assessments, Counseling, Giftedness, Parenting
This piece originally appeared on Psychology Today. Many gifted adults may find that they are still suffering from experiences and challenges that affected them as children. Others find they are experiencing new challenges related to finding their passion, identity,...
Jun 15, 2015 | Assessments, Education, Giftedness
Do you hear from your child how bored they are in school? Do you feel your child is not being challenged appropriately? When a regular classroom curriculum is not meeting a gifted child’s intellectual and academic needs, that child may need a Differentiated...
May 18, 2015 | Assessments, Education
If you can’t see, or if you can’t hear, you will have trouble learning. As obvious as that seems, the fact is that problems with seeing and hearing are NOT obvious. Many children have seeing and hearing difficulty and we don’t know it. We aren’t born with mature...
Apr 20, 2015 | Assessments, Counseling, Education, Giftedness, Parenting
Learn to ask “What’s Right” instead of “What’s Wrong” When it comes to helping our children learn and develop academically, socially, and emotionally, we want them to feel confident about who they are. At Summit Center, we use a strengths-based...
Mar 24, 2015 | Assessments, Counseling, Education, Parenting
This piece originally appeared on Huffington Post. “I am not sure what has changed. Things were fine last year and now he wakes up with a stomachache and says he doesn’t want to go to school. It takes me forever to get him out the door. We are often late....
Mar 4, 2014 | Assessments, Education, Giftedness, Parenting
Even though I work with children and families as a professional psychologist, I am first and foremost a father to three children. My experiences in raising them has informed my work greatly. Some people may not know that and for this very reason, I decided to share an...